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  • $10.95

    Ease to Grow: Moderate to ChallengingDormancy: YesNative Range: Peaty Wetlands of Europe, Africa, Asia, and AustraliaZones: 5-9 (4-10) The aquatic Waterwheel Plant, Aldrovanda vesiculosa, is an aquatic, free-floating, rootless carnivorous plant of boggy waters. The rope-like plant contains successive whorls of bristly traps.  Each trap shaped like a small, wide-mouth clam. …

  • $9.95

    Infusoria is a collective term for freshwater microorganisms, including protists and micro-crustacea.This includes such critters as: paramecia, euglena, cyclops, rotifers, and daphnia. Fish hobbyists know this as fry food. CP enthusiasts know this as food for aldrovanda and bladderworts. In addition they feed on algae, and reduce nutrients in the…

  • $11.95

    Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: Yes Native Range: Wetlands of Eastern North and South America Zones: 3-9 (2-10) Pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata, is an emergent perennial with broad, sword shaped leaves and charming, tubular, blue and purple flowers on tall spikes. The flowers attract many insects, that become prey to carnivorous plants. The leaves are large,…

  • $26.95

    Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: YesNative Range: Wetlands of Eastern North and South AmericaZones: 5-7  (4-8) Our Pink Dwarf Water Lily, Nymphae sp., is an excellent cover plant for aquatic carnivores such as and . It’s small size lends well to growing in a small pond or other confined spaces. Flowers emerge pink and mature to a…

  • $6.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: No Native Range: Slow moving waters of South America Zones: 9-11 (8-12) Bladderworts and Aldrovanda benefit from growing under a floating plant such as Salvinia. Salvinia natans, is a tropical, floating fern, similar to, but larger than Azolla.  It forms lovely whorls of rounded, fuzzy, softly textured leaves, each about 1/2″ across.…

  • $12.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: No Native Range: Northern Territory in Australia Zones: 11-13 Utricularia fulva is a small, annual bladderwort that is easy to grow. In its native habitat it can be found growing aquatically in sandy creeks and streams during wet periods and terrestrially during the dry season. The leaves are narrow…

  • $10.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Not required Native Range: Worldwide Zones: 4-7 (3-9) Utricularia gibba, the aquatic Humped Bladderwort, is available for sale online. It is a small size, mat producing perennial with bright yellow summer flowers. It grows floating in boggy waters with no roots.  It is prolific and…

  • $13.95

    Ease to Grow: Moderate Dormancy: No Native Range: Boggy wetlands, SE Asia Zones: 12-13 (11-14) Carnivorous Utricularia graminifolia, the Grass-leaved Bladderwort, is an-easy-to grow amphibious bladderwort from southeast Asia. It has “grass-like” leaves, and frequently forms broad mats. In its native habitat, it grows as a mat along the water…

  • $9.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Yes, but not required. Forms turions over winter. Native Range: Southeatern United States Zones: 4-7 (3-9) Utricularia inflata, Swollen Bladderwort, is a large growing, perennial, aquatic bladderwort with distinctive radial floats. The floats divide at the ends and branch often bearing multiple traps. It grows suspended in the…

  • $11.95

    Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: Yes, but not required. Forms turions Native Range: Western and Northern North America Zones: 4-7 (3-9) Utricularia intermedia, Flat-leaf Bladderwort, is a medium growing, perennial, aquatic bladderwort. It grows suspended in the boggy waters with no roots.  Its leaves are finely divided. Bladders are found on whitish stolons growing…

  • $13.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Yes, but not required. Forms turions Native Range: Southeatern United States Zones: 4-7 (3-9) Utricularia macrorhiza, Common Bladderwort, is a large growing, perennial, aquatic bladderwort. It grows suspended in the boggy waters with no roots.  Its leaves are finely divided, and interspersed with numerous bladders about…

  • $10.95

    Utricularia purpurea Ease to Grow: Easy. Dormancy: No. Native Range: Southeastern USA. Zones: 7-11 (6-12). Utricularia purpurea, the Eastern Purple Bladderwort, is a large, perennial, temperate aquatic bladderwort with bright purple summer flowers. It grows suspended in the boggy waters with no roots.  Its leaves are finely divided, and occur in whorls of 5 to…

  • $11.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Yes, forms turions Native Range: Northern Europe, Asia Zones: 4-7 (3-9) The carnivorous Utricularia vulgaris plant, or Common Bladderwort, is a medium size, perennial, aquatic bladderwort with bright yellow summer flowers. It grows suspended in the boggy waters with no roots.  Its leaves are finely…