Bog Plant

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  • $11.95

    Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: Yes Native Range: Wetlands of Eastern North and South America Zones: 3-9 (2-10) Pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata, is an emergent perennial with broad, sword shaped leaves and charming, tubular, blue and purple flowers on tall spikes. The flowers attract many insects, that become prey to carnivorous plants. The leaves are large,…

  • $26.95

    Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: YesNative Range: Wetlands of Eastern North and South AmericaZones: 5-7  (4-8) Our Pink Dwarf Water Lily, Nymphae sp., is an excellent cover plant for aquatic carnivores such as and . It’s small size lends well to growing in a small pond or other confined spaces. Flowers emerge pink and mature to a…

  • $6.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: No Native Range: Slow moving waters of South America Zones: 9-11 (8-12) Bladderworts and Aldrovanda benefit from growing under a floating plant such as Salvinia. Salvinia natans, is a tropical, floating fern, similar to, but larger than Azolla.  It forms lovely whorls of rounded, fuzzy, softly textured leaves, each about 1/2″ across.…