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  • $13.95$36.95

    Sarracenia x areolata Ease to Grow: Easy. Dormancy: Recommended. Parental Native Range: Wet Pocosins of the Gulf Coast of North America. Zones: 6-8 (5-9). Sarracenia x areolata is a naturally occurring hybrid, S. alata x leucophylla with tall, erect green pitchers accented with rows of white areole (windows) and broad…

  • $9.95$29.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Recommended Native Range: Wet Pocosins and peat bogs of Southeastern North America Zones: 5-8 (4-9) Catesby’s Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia x catesbaei is a robust, vigorous growing hybrid with delightful yellow-green and orange traps, and wide red veins. It has a broad, flaring hood with ruffles,…

  • $8.95$29.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Recommended Parental Native Range: Wet Pocosins of Southeastern North America. Zones: 6-8 (5-9) Sarracenia x farnhamii hybrid has bright red, green and white pitchers with dominant areoles (windows). The traps are upright and of medium height. They are green at the base, but broad red veins…

  • $11.95$30.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Suggested Native Range: Hybrid – not native, but parents are from Eastern USA Zones: 6-8 (5-10) Sarracenia x Judith Hindle is a medium height pitcher plant with beautiful ruffled red maroon hoods. Its S. leucophylla heritage accents the hood’s lacy red pink white venation. The…

  • $13.95$36.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Recommended Parental Native Range: Wet Pocosins of northern Florida and southern Alabama Zones: 6-8 (5-9) Sarracenia ‘Juthatip Soper’ Pitcher Plant is a hot pink hybrid, S. x mitchelliana, with gorgeous red and pink traps. The traps are upright and of medium height. They are somewhat…

  • $9.95$29.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Recommended Parental Native Range: Wet Pocosins of coastal Southeastern United States Zones: 6-8 (5-9) The Sarracenia x Maroon plant is a compact, ruffled cross of S. purpurea x rubra (S. x chelsonii). It is truly dark maroon in color with a strong display in all seasons,…

  • $10.95$29.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Recommended Parental Native Range: Wet Pocosins and bogs of the Gulf Coast and Southeastern North America Zones: 5-9 (4-9) Carolina Yellow Jacket is a cultivar, Sarracenia purpurea x rosea x flava with dazzling chartreuse pitchers. It is a compact and low growing pitcher plant that produces many…