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  • $6.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: No Native Range: Slow moving waters of South America Zones: 9-11 (8-12) Bladderworts and Aldrovanda benefit from growing under a floating plant such as Salvinia. Salvinia natans, is a tropical, floating fern, similar to, but larger than Azolla.  It forms lovely whorls of rounded, fuzzy, softly textured leaves, each about 1/2″ across.…

  • $12.95

    Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: No Native Range: Northern Territory in Australia Zones: 11-13 Utricularia fulva is a small, annual bladderwort that is easy to grow. In its native habitat it can be found growing aquatically in sandy creeks and streams during wet periods and terrestrially during the dry season. The leaves are narrow…

  • $13.95

    Ease to Grow: Moderate Dormancy: No Native Range: Boggy wetlands, SE Asia Zones: 12-13 (11-14) Carnivorous Utricularia graminifolia, the Grass-leaved Bladderwort, is an-easy-to grow amphibious bladderwort from southeast Asia. It has “grass-like” leaves, and frequently forms broad mats. In its native habitat, it grows as a mat along the water…